HR & OD tools for your organisation

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Job Description Building Tool

10 credits

The job description is critical in developing the Ideal Profile. Step through this tool to build a high-integrity job description that is usable in onboarding, employment, performance management and change. The tool takes the manager through a standardised format. The JD Buliding Tool can be used with both employee jobs and volunteer activities

Video and documentary help is provided in the tool. You receive a final job description vetted and enhanced by one of our consultants.

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Ideal Profile Tool

5 credits

Use this tool to develop the personal characteristics likely to be held by the person who will do well in your job. Use the Ideal Profile report to compare with candidate characteristics in search of P/E Fit.

The personal characteristics are personality, general mental ability, career preferences, in-team behaviour, leadership style, subordinate style, influencing style, emotional intelligence & work attitude.

Preselect Assessment Tool

4 credits

Use our Preselect assessment tool with all your job candidates. The Pre-select Manager Report provides high level critical information that can be used to inform the interviewing managers about each candidate prior to the first interview. You also get a personalised report to share with each candidate.

Main Profile Tool

30 credits

Use our Main Profile tool to gain a detailed insight into each candidate you will be asking back for a second interview. Use our Main Profile tool to gain insight into how each employee or volunteer will behave. The Main Profile report provides critical information to inform interviewing managers about each candidate. Also get personalised interview questions and a personal report to give to each candidate.

HSE Management Standards manager's tool


It's important to manage stress and well-being in the workplace. Some stress is useful, but too much leads to reduced productivity and the likelihood of sickness absence. Actively monitoring well-being allows interventions to be put in place before the situation becomes too difficult to manage.

HR Contribution Assessor Tool


Research suggests that there are five HR management practices criteria which, if optimised, will enable an organisation to excel.

Complete this questionnaire now and get instant results. Your results will show you the areas of management that you might like to think about improving.

Grow your people


Personnel development involves determining what competency levels are needed by a jobholder in each of eight all-encompassing competencies to achieve a required performance. The manager can then determine the jobholder’s current levels in each. Development activities can then be discussed and agreed to develop the jobholder from current level to required level in each competency.

Home Working Decision Tree


This tool helps in decision-making around jobs and jobholders. It presents information and asks you to think if homeworking will work for your firm.

Find further reading on home working in our Manager's Guide to Homeworking. Also see our blog asking How will work and the workhome change post-Covid?