Preselect Assessment Tool

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Preselect Assessment Tool

4 credits

It's frustrating when you invite a candidate for interview and they don't match your requirements. Take the guess work out of recruitment by using our Preselect tool.

Save money and time by using this tool early in the selection process.

  • Define your ideal candidate by intelligence, personality and preferences.
  • Assess candidate intelligence, personality and job/candidate fit.
  • Only interview candidates who match your needs.
  • Make first interviews more productive - avoid relying solely on CVs.

The Preselect report is a cost-effective way to assess candidates at the initial stage of the selection process. You maximise your selection effectiveness and increase the likelihood that the person appointed will perform well.

Use the TimelessTime version of the tool. Or have us customise a version just for you and your candidates. You'll have a unique introduction to your own firm. And we'll reflect your corporate colours in the tool and reports.

How to use this tool

The online Preselect assessment can be done by candidates at a time to suit them, using computer, tablet or mobile phone. It takes about 15 minutes to complete. It can be used with potential employees or volunteers.

The tool has three parts:

  1. Multiple choice questions on verbal, numerical and abstract reasoning. This section is timed. The output reports on the candidate’s intelligence.
  2. Questions about personality, constructing a profile that shows how the candidate will think, feel and behave.
  3. Questions about the types of job in which the person will be most satisfied.

You provide your candidates with access using a link and a password. Email us at to buy credits and get access details.

When a test is completed, we process the reports and email them to you.

This tool relies on there being an ideal profile for your job against which comparison is made. You must first have completed this ideal profile using our Ideal Profile Tool.

Using the tool isn't the whole story - put in place some changes to get the most out of your people.