Services to make your life as a manager simpler, and your business outcomes more certain
Management Support
For a modest annual fee, we’ll support you in your day-to-day management dealings with your employees and volunteers, and your implementation of change.
Our scope spans HR – human resource management – and OD – organisational development. You can read more on HR and OD in our blog, go to our product flyer, or watch our product video.
Read what our client Turun (UK) Ltd says about our support service in a case study. Our HR and OD support is available to you 24/7 and we’ll respond within 4 hours. Interested? Follow below to learn more.

Recruitment & Development Tools
Tools are online applications that you use to bring objectivity and logical thinking to your staff and volunteer recruitment and personnel development activities. Mostly, you as manager, will access them. Sometimes your job candidates will use them to answer a battery or questions. We will then turn their answers into reports for you prior to interview.
Tools enhance your effectiveness – in recruitment, in selection, and personnel development.
Each tool bolsters all your HR and OD processes associated with hiring and developing staff and volunteers. Each is a knowledge device that has at its heart key management science. Check how our client Assurity Consulting Ltd benefits.
And we’re always in the wings, checking that tool output fits your organisation. Click below to learn the tools we currently offer and how they’re accessed.

Management Books
We’ve set off on a journey to write management books. Books for managers, entrepreneurs, and leaders. Books that are fundamentally useful every day, to those who take responsibility for driving the success of organisations.
Our first, Because Your People Matter: a playbook for managers and leaders, puts the others in context. We’ll follow later with those – on management of volunteers and on the key manager competence of modelling.
Jump now to read more on the third edition of Because Your People Matter before checking out where to buy it.

Something else we can help with? Let's talk!
- Career Management
- Coaching and Mentoring
- Developing Managers and Staff
- Developing Strategy
- Disciplinary Management
- Disciplinary and Grievance Investigations
- Employment Law
- Encouraging Innovation
- Evidence-based organisation change ...
- Evidence-based personnel development ...
- Evidence-based recruitment and selection...
- Human Resource Management
- Job Description and Job Evaluation
- Leadership Development
- Locum Services
- Management mentoring …
- Managing Change
- Motivation and Performance
- Operating Models
- Organisational Development
- Pay and Benefits
- Performance Appraisal
- Recruitment and Selection
- Redundancy Management
- Staff and Technology
- Stress and Well-being
- Workplace Mediation