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Employing contractors and agency workers

Blog Post

Written by John Berry on 6th July 2017. Revised 13th July 2019.

10 min read

Companies exist because they are the most efficient way of an entrepreneur gaining the services of others. And yet many gain the services of those working in their own firms, as sole-traders (or self-employed) and via agencies. This blog aims to elaborate on the simple case of workers employed by a firm to provide a complete understanding of the possible relationships between entrepreneurs and their companies and workers.

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Who pays whom landscape

Wrongful dismissal, unfair dismissal, constructive dismissal – what’s the difference?


Written by John Berry on 10th May 2017. Revised 13th July 2019.

3 min read

Some managers are aware of the difference between the various types of dismissal that may be executed on an employee. There is an assumption that tribunal claims can only be made where a person has service at least longer than some qualifying period. This is not actually true; there are instances where employee can take an employer to tribunal without any qualifying period of service.

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Dismissing an employee with under two year’s service


Written by Sue Berry on 22nd July 2017. Revised 13th July 2019.

5 min read

Technically, you can tell an employee that you no longer require them to work for you. You can pay them their notice and invite them to leave. Provided that you have no contractual obligation to use a protracted procedure, you might get away with this course of action. Fair dismissal is narrow and well-defined and hence so too is unfair dismissal.

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Well-being: Productivity and Happiness at Work

Blog Post

Written by John Berry on 28th May 2019.0

2 min read

Psychological wellbeing is important. This book puts it simply: poor psychological wellbeing degrades worker performance and business outcomes. The book draws appropriately on academic research findings to make and justify the argument.

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Lean In

Blog Post

Written by Sue Berry on 28th May 2019.0

2 min read

Sheryl Sandberg is Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Facebook. Her book considers why women are rarely found in high-powered leadership roles. Writing from her view point, and drawing on examples of other high-profile women, she addresses women offering suggestions to help empower them to reach their potential.

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Lean In

Delusions of Gender

Blog Post

Written by John Berry on 28th May 2019.0

4 min read

If you’re someone who believes that men and women are fundamentally different and that men are naturally better at some things while women are better at others, buckle up and get ready to have your assumptions and understanding challenged. Cordelia Fine does an excellent job in arguing that cognitive and behavioural differences between men and women are not innate but are socially constructed.

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Delusions of Gender