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Solutions for career management in SMEs
Written by John Berry on 23rd November 2017. Revised 28th June 2020.
5 min read
People believe that they must move up to progress. But in an SME, that’s rarely possible. Modern SMEs have flat structures and opportunities to move ‘up’ are few. So it’s often assumed that ambitious staff in SMEs have to leave to advance. To give careers in SMEs management and staff must e re-defined 'progress' on a personal level. It’s the taking on of greater responsibility, making greater contribution to the business and gaining greater personal achievement. Here's how progress becomes career.
How will the Supreme Court ruling on tribunals affect employers?
Written by Sue Berry on 23rd August 2017. Revised 28th June 2020.
4 min read
Employment tribunals in England and Wales and Scotland deal with disputes between employer and employee. Fees are no longer payable. Just because there are no fees does not mean access to informal and speedy justice. Employment tribunals are neither informal, nor are they speedy. In principle, all grievance could move from tribunal to company procedures. This needs high trust by employees on management. There’s significant benefit for management striving to be a high trust firm. Here's how..
Bringing all employees back to work
Written by John Berry on 31st May 2020. Revised 17th June 2020.
6 min read
There will be a small proportion of vulnerable employees who won’t feel safe whatever you do. In the end, when you have done all that you can some employees will have to be dismissed by reasons of capability. You may have to discuss with them that, in the new normal that is coronavirus, it may simply be that they will never feel safe in your firm.
Incentivising Through Commission Payment
Written by John Berry on 29th May 2018. Revised 26th March 2020.
5 min read
Many managers follow the economists' teaching to claim that people are rational and will strive to maximise their financial gain. But people are irrational. There are some maxims in designing performance-related pay. First, money is not a motivator. But fair reward encourages commitment. Second, offering a financial incentive will encourage isolationist behaviour. Be careful what behaviour you reward!
Implementing truly flexible benefits
Written by Sue Berry on 28th August 2018. Revised 26th March 2020.
8 min read
The argument in favour of granting employees 'benefits' over and above salary is sound. But employee attitudes to benefits change with age - with life stages. As a result what's really needed is flexibility in granting those benefits. But traditionally, management overheads have determined that flexible benefits has been the preserve of the large firm. In fact, designing a flexible benefits systems is simply done by all.
Select apprentices for their career decisiveness
Written by John Berry on 25th October 2017. Revised 25th March 2020.
6 min read
Hiring an apprentice can be more daunting that hiring an experienced worker. Get it wrong and you’ve the management costs and hassle to correct your mistake. But get it right and you’ve have engaged a future high performer. But on what basis do you select your apprentice? The career decisiveness of a young person predicts how well he or she will perform in a job after apprenticeship.