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Recruiting during lockdown

Blog Post

Written by Sue Berry on 30th July 2020. Revised 27th October 2020.

10 min read

Covid has changed the way that many work practices are conducted. Interviews have gone online. But we argue that the recruitment process can still be as robust as it was before lockdown. Managers must still take an evidence-based approach, seeking proof that favoured candidates will indeed perform as well. In this much, nothing has changed.

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Performance Appraisal: A key tool in management success

White Paper

Written by John Berry on 6th May 2017. Revised 27th October 2020.

34 min read

In the 1980s, a fairly standard form of appraisal emerged that aimed to assess current performance, improve the individual's performance in the immediate future, set and review performance objectives and assess training and development needs. This paper considers development since then considering applicable research and theory. It concludes that despite methods allowing performance appraisal to become more complex, the themes from the 80s persist today.

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360 degree feedback

A Practical Approach to Managing Work Based Stress


Written by John Berry on 5th May 2017. Revised 27th October 2020.

11 min read

This article proposes a practical approach to managing of work based stress. It suggests use of the HSE Management Standards to describe six forces that need to be balanced. It then elaborates this to include these forces in a feedback model to suggest a method by which managers can actually manage reduction in stress through control of stressors and increase in coping.

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Practical Use of the HSE Management Standards Indicator Tool

Blog Post

Written by John Berry on 2nd May 2017. Revised 27th October 2020.

6 min read

The Health and Safety Executive has published a framework covering six areas that might result in an employee or employees suffering stress at work (the HSE Management Standards). These are things like lack of control over work and lack of management support. As we note in articles on our site, this framework is a good way of thinking about stress.

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Stressed Employee

Employment Contracts in Not-for-profits

Blog Post

Written by John Berry on 26th August 2020. Revised 27th October 2020.

4 min read

Many people work for not-for-profit organisations. So, the question arises, should employment contracts be any different, or in some way be weakened or watered down in those organisations? There are several key clauses that might change. We discuss how the confidentiality and intellectual property clauses might change. And we debate the use of the contract to set the organisation look and feel.

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How do I Write a Modern Slavery Statement?


Written by Sue Berry on 30th April 2017. Revised 27th October 2020.

3 min read

The Modern Slavery Act 2015 requires businesses with over £36m global turnover to make an anti-slavery and human trafficking statement. Check out how this act might impact your own business. And find out what you need to include in your statement.

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