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Black Box Thinking

Blog Post

Written by Sue Berry on 28th May 2019.0

2 min read

Using case studies, this book links action and in-action to performance and improvement. Matthew Syed explores how mistakes can lead to higher performance and new ways of working. But only if mistakes are embraced and used as a learning aid. Here we review the book and give you our thoughts on the message it intends to get across.

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Black Box Thinking

How Much Holiday Do I Have To Give My Staff?


Written by Sue Berry on 9th May 2017. Revised 27th April 2019.

1 min read

Ensure that you give your staff the correct amount of holiday. You must give at least the statutory minimum. Calculating holiday for staff who work a regular daily pattern, five days a week is easy. Not so when patterns are unusual, continuously changing and hourly based.

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Feedback-driven management

Blog Post

Written by John Berry on 25th April 2019. Revised 26th April 2019.

1 min read

The manager is constantly sensing performance given by his or her people. He or she has in mind a reference performance for each person that they’d find acceptable. And the manager is constantly comparing the actual performance with the reference. If the performance falls below the reference performance, the manager will act by way of an intervention. Here's how it works.

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Put that way, flexible working is nonsense

Blog Post

Written by John Berry on 14th August 2018. Revised 12th March 2019.

5 min read

Why would any manager grant his or her workforce flexibility in when and where they worked? Just think about it. Flexibility suggests that the manager doesn't know when or where the worker is working. Put that way, flexible working is nonsense. But analysis of what the manager gets back suggests huge returns for the firm. It just takes a bit of trust.

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Working Flexibly

Getting Commitment from Generation Y

Blog Post

Written by John Berry on 21st June 2017. Revised 27th February 2019.

6 min read

Managers often lament the attitudes and commitment given by those born in the 80s and 90s. Getting commitment from generation Y is difficult. They say that staff from this generation are self-opinionated, lazy and have little respect for authority. But many of these opinions are formed because Generation Y are simply different – different from their Generation X managers and Baby-Boomer parents. Commitment can be had from Generation Y if managers work at it. Here's how.

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Group of employees

What Title Should I Give My Sales Manager?


Written by Sue Berry on 1st May 2017. Revised 10th January 2019.

3 min read

Job titles should show three things: position in the profession, knowledge about the domain and where the job fits internally. Using Sales Manager as an example find out why it is important to get the title right.

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