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Holiday pay still confuses

Blog Post

Written by Sue Berry on 29th September 2019. Revised 4th November 2020.

6 min read

Holiday pay, and holidays in general still cause managers difficulty. It's complex. Managers need to determine what holiday an employee is entitled to accrue. And there's no statutory need to allow further accrual with overtime. Managers must calculate, holiday by holiday, how much employees are to be paid when off. The rate must include commission, overtime and even travel time. TimelessTime has a calculator.

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Contracts on start day: but what damage does it cause?

Blog Post

Written by John Berry on 28th September 2017. Revised 4th November 2020.

5 min read

There’s a situation that’s quite unsatisfactory and easily rectified to benefit all parties. It’s that often documents comprising the contract of employment are ‘issued’ by the employer to the employee once the new hire has actually started in the job. It’s lawful but unfair and risky. It also misses a huge opportunity to get relationships off to a flying start. Here’s why.

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Statement of employment particulars to be issued on or before the first day of work

Blog Post

Written by Sue Berry on 29th April 2020. Revised 4th November 2020.

3 min read

From 6th April 2020, written statements (employment particulars) will now have to be provided for all ‘workers’ – not just employees - on or before their first day of work. This means that zero hours contract workers must also likewise be provided with a statement of particulars. This is a change from previous requirements for contracts not later than eight weeks in from start.

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Employment Contract
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Has your psychological contract taken a nose-dive?

Blog Post

Written by John Berry on 31st May 2020. Revised 4th November 2020.

2 min read

The psychological contract defines how the employee feels about their employer. How an employee feels dictates their commitment. Commitment makes motivation and engagement possible. Commitment makes management possible. Has your employee psychological contracts taken a nose-dive recently?

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Basic steps in closing an office

Blog Post

Written by John Berry on 31st May 2020. Revised 4th November 2020.

4 min read

Regretfully there are many firms now considering closing an office, factory or other facility. First the closure must be necessary, and this can be proven using a business plan. Second, the whole process of redundancy must be done fairly. Critically, this involves determining redundant jobs and assessing all jobholders for dismissal using a fair criteria

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Is £20k difference discrimination or just reasonable?

Blog Post

Written by John Berry on 9th January 2019. Revised 4th November 2020.

10 min read

The crux of an article in The Guardian is that the woman author, a journalist, has found out that a man who reports to her and whose work she manages, is paid £20k a year more than her. She feels that she has been treated unfairly and that she should have held out for more when she negotiated her salary. And she describes how her emotional response has transitioned through the five stages of grief. Here we discuss the issues and ask, "Is £20k difference discrimination or just reasonable?"

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