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Bringing gamification to recruitment
Written by John Berry on 23rd August 2017. Revised 16th November 2020.
4 min read
Online gaming can be used as part of a selection process. If you play the game well, you get to make a job application. It’s a way of testing the applicant whilst promoting the organisation and informing the applicant about the job. TimelessTime's web-delivered customised assessment delivers quality in selection. It’s not America’s Army but it’s pretty close to CanYouCrackIt. Ultimately it is for that manager to validate what the automated systems are saying. What can gamification offer your firm?
Recruitment Game: The route to achieving the right employee/employer match
Written by Sue Berry on 31st May 2017. Revised 13th November 2020.
34 min read
Recruitment is a game. In this game a firm tries to hire someone to do a job. On the other side is a person who wants to find an employer who will exchange money for labour in order to achieve their life’s ambitions or just simply to make ends meet and feed their families. The firm aims to exploit the person and the person aims to get as much as possible in return. In recruitment there is a meeting of two minds, the future employer and would-be employee. [Published December 2010]
Determining candidate suitability through pre-employment checks
Written by John Berry on 31st May 2017. Revised 13th November 2020.
3 min read
Managers would often like to know if the person they intend to hire would at some stage in the future be a threat to the hiring company. Managers may therefore be keen to vet candidates before they employ them. But vetting is complex, shrouded in mystique by many firms supplying vetting or pre-employment checks. And statute constrains what's possible. Here’s some outline information on vetting.
Strategic HRM: People, Culture and the Bottom Line
Written by John Berry on 5th May 2017. Revised 13th November 2020.
11 min read
Strategic HRM (Human Resource Management) is about changing people to align them with your business strategy. The managers of the firm create an ecosystem, an environment, in which their people work. All firms employ people, therefore all firms have a people ecosystem. This paper considers how the people ecosystem can be managed to the best advantage of the firm and how optimising the people ecosystem leads to improved bottom line result.
And the results are in: managers aren’t helping manage employee stress
Written by John Berry on 26th March 2020. Revised 11th November 2020.
5 min read
Results of our 103-manager survey are disappointing, but in line with the general trend claimed by researchers – stress in the workplace is on the rise. But it’s not the strain that’s increasing! Management is deteriorating to cause the increased stress. And the only conclusion - managers really must improve. Managers really must get trained and act.
Methods of Job Evaluation
Written by John Berry on 23rd September 2018. Revised 10th November 2020.
1 min read
Job evaluation is at the heart of the process in which managers determine how much to pay one employee over another. Many managers guess where salaries should lie. This results in feelings of injustice in employees over both the method and the result. Here are some rational methods where the manager can justify decisions.