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Achieving the four-day working week

Blog Post

Written by John Berry on 20th November 2018. Revised 27th January 2021.

6 min read

The issue is not if a four-day week would be beneficial to the nation and to its people. That argument’s been made and there are plenty of examples of how well it works. The issue is that our firms are incapable of reducing the working week because shareholders aren’t in it for the long term. And our employees aren’t prepared to earn less or invest in themselves either. It's impasse - but here's an action plan.

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What does gender pay gap tell us about society?

Blog Post

Written by Sue Berry on 25th April 2018. Revised 13th January 2021.

10 min read

We know that men and women must be paid equally for jobs of equal value so we can assume that pay discrimination is not the explanation for the recently reported gender pay gaps in most organisations. Our analysis suggests that the cause is something much, much deeper. Deep in society. And no amount of castigating employers will fix it. As a society, universally, women are paid less than men. And we have to fix the attitudes that cause this - in the family, schools and society as a whole.

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Gender Pay Gap Median Explanation

Applying management science to everyday events


Written by John Berry on 29th December 2020. Revised 6th January 2021.

1 min read

A series of blogs for 2021, designed to be consumed as podcasts, but using a single overview slide. Each is on a single management topic or everyday event. Each takes less than three minutes to consume. Just click to view the list and get the latest.

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Listening Intently
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Choice of law in employment contracts

Blog Post

Written by John Berry on 25th February 2020. Revised 3rd January 2021.

6 min read

Many firms want to contract with foreign workers working in foreign countries. There is much debate about whether it is right for the UK employer to issue a UK employment contract to those foreign workers. We would generally say not and here’s the rationale. We argue that the choice of law in employment contracts should always be local law (unless work is done in many countries).

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A concise leadership model for managing day-to-day


Written by John Berry on 28th May 2019. Revised 28th December 2020.

1 min read

• Defining leadership and the practical effects of manager intervention on staff motivation.
• Understanding that managers lead and that leadership is a management role.
• Setting out the difference between leadership approaches and leadership styles.
• Introducing some practical leadership interventions for managers.
• Introducing leadership approaches and how to select the right approach.
• Discussing how to do leadership day to day.

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Webinar 6 slides wide.001

SME Career Management

Blog Post

Written by John Berry on 1st May 2017. Revised 16th November 2020.

4 min read

Career management in the SME has huge benefits in engendering commitment to the firm and engagement with the job. But top management must first commit to the concept. There are many approaches. Here's how.

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Career Management