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Taking Disciplinary Action


Written by Sue Berry on 22nd July 2017. Revised 25th March 2020.

2 min read

Firms take disciplinary action when an employee does something that is considered to constitute unacceptable behaviour. There should be rules in place to assist managers in dealing with wayward employees, and also to let employees know what is, and is not, acceptable behaviour.

In dealing with discipline of employees, the most important thing is that you must follow your own company’s documented disciplinary process.

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When dealing with grievance, disciplinary and absence

Blog Post

Written by John Berry on 3rd May 2017. Revised 25th March 2020.

4 min read

There’s a common theme amongst the absences, grievances, disciplinaries, performance management and general people management issues that managers face. It’s that managers don’t act. When dealing with grievance, disciplinary and absence. managers must act swiftly. This blog explains the psychological, legal and money implication of dithering.

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Relaxed manager

The fallacy of the disciplinary procedure

Blog Post

Written by John Berry on 5th May 2017. Revised 25th March 2020.

5 min read

Many firms use a single corrective action procedure for all instances where they wish to tackle specific issues in an employee covering behaviour, capability and sickness. This single procedure is generally referred to as the disciplinary procedure. ACAS, the employment advisory service, supports this single procedure approach.

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Stealing at work: a one way street?


Written by Sue Berry on 5th May 2017. Revised 25th March 2020.

6 min read

For some managers stealing in the workplace is black and white. This article suggests it isn't. It depends which viewpoint you take - employee or employer. Is using a company pen for personal use theft of company assets or just part of the give-and-take of employment? It all depends on your viewpoint and where you draw the line.

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Stealing at work

What to do when hearing about possible harassment

Blog Post

Written by Sue Berry on 23rd November 2017. Revised 25th March 2020.

6 min read

There's been a flurry of high profile cases with celebrities and MPs being accused of sexual harassment. In the workplace, the employer should deal with allegations of harassment. For harassment to be deemed to have taken place the alleged behaviour must have had either purpose or effect. Suspension is normal in any case where investigation would be hampered. The investigator then develops a report, setting out all the evidence. A decision is made based on ‘reasonable belief’. Here's more on the process.

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Sexual Harassment Pic

How to get started in innovation

Blog Post

Written by John Berry on 18th May 2017. Revised 25th March 2020.

6 min read

We all get the idea that innovation’s important. If we can just improve, develop and discover more than our competitors, we can find and attract more customers and make more profits. But it’s how to do it that foxes all but a few. Here are some guidelines for how to get started in innovation. If you’re a manager of firm that wants to get innovation going, we can help you.

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