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Setting objectives has been researched in various disciplines. Objective setting is generally accepted as an effective tool for maintaining and improving performance. Here we discuss how objective setting is applied to volunteers in a CSO, including the cascade from organisational objectives to those personal to the volunteer. We also discuss tell and sell versus self-setting of objectives.

A calling or just a job: finding staff with more than an interest
Written by John Berry on 11th October 2017. Revised 20th March 2025.
6 min read
We’ve all heard the phrase “Called to the ministry” describing how someone became a priest or vicar. But it extends further. Many say that they knew from a young age just what job they wanted to do. Once in work, many people comment that they feel so motivated by the job they do that they’d do it even if they weren’t paid. Calling extends to many careers. So how does a calling come about and how do hiring managers attract those with a calling?

Keeping records on volunteers
Written by John Berry on 27th April 2024. Revised 17th March 2025.
6 min read
It’s logical that the manager of volunteers would want to keep records that describe the characteristics of each volunteer they are responsible for. All CSOs should recognise that their managers are going to hold this sort of data. We give guidance on how this should be done in this article. Importantly, correct management of personal data influences the psychological contract between CSO and volunteer. Misuse may result in loss of CSO reputation.

Managing Volunteers
Written by John Berry on 25th August 2020. Revised 16th March 2025.
5 min read
It’s often said by managers in voluntary organisations that their volunteers can’t be managed. And yet, if that is so, the organisation faces rudderless chaos. The direction in which the organisation travels, what it achieves and whether it has a future are therefore all in doubt. In short, the situation is unacceptable. Volunteers must be managed for the good of the organisation.

Work sample tests in recruitment and selection
Written by John Berry on 2nd May 2017. Revised 16th March 2025.
3 min read
Many recruitment consultants and recruiting managers conduct interviews. But few optimise the selection process. This blog sets out the role of a very special selection instrument – the work sample or skills test. 'Work samples' is one of four tools, which when used together provide the highest predictive validity of all staff selection methods.

Basic steps in closing an office
Written by John Berry on 31st May 2020. Revised 8th March 2025.
5 min read
Regretfully there are many firms now considering closing an office, factory or other facility. First the closure must be necessary, and this can be proven using a business plan. Second, the whole process of redundancy must be done fairly. Critically, this involves determining redundant jobs and assessing all jobholders for dismissal using a fair criteria