Webinar 3 – Developing the decision criteria: specifying the ideal candidate
Webinar 3 – Developing the decision criteria: specifying the ideal candidate
2nd November 2018When a manager sets out to buy a piece of equipment for his or her business, they draft a specification. This specification is quite exact. Dimensions are in millimetres. If it’s electrical, the power consumed is in Watts. And if it’s a device to circulate air, the specification gives the air volume circulated over time in cubic metres per hour.
But when managers talk about people, those people aren’t described by individual differences that any psychologist would recognise. Scientific terms like ‘attitude’ and ‘motivation’ are used as if those terms are commonly understood and innate: like attitude and motivation can be assessed at interview.
So why not specify people properly, unambiguously and in terms that can be assessed when it comes to selectin testing and interviewing?
Attend our webinar and we’ll teach you how to specify the people who will excel in your jobs. Once defined, search and selection become straightforward.
In this webinar we’ll:
- Illustrate how to define people in terms that can be assessed and tested during selection;
- Describe what’s meant by general mental ability, personality and person-environment fit;
- Tell how the various characteristics impact on job performance;
- Show how job descriptions can be analysed to give the necessary competencies and behaviours; and
- Discuss how managers typically make decisions during selection and how this should be done.
By the close, you’ll understand how to be precise about who’s needed in each job and how to define the person-specification in terms that can be tested for.

Online. Webinar.
About the Presenters
John Berry
John is an alumnus of Loughborough University of Technology, the Open University Business School and Birkbeck, University of London, in engineering, management and organisational psychology. He has run technology and engineering companies and led R&D activities in SMEs and multi-nationals for over 30 years. He has been instrumental in driving public and corporate policy across technology and engineering for firms and governments. In a global career, John has led teams in 32 countries. He is a Chartered Manager and a Chartered Engineer.
Sue Berry
Over the past 30 years Sue has led the human resource function in several firms, heading up and driving organisational improvement and change across chemicals, aerospace, education and charities sectors. She has been instrumental in shaping relationships between people and organisations in pursuit of growth and prosperity for all. Sue is an alumna of Newcastle University, De Montfort University and the Open University in education, human resource management and psychology & economics. She is a Chartered Fellow of the CIPD.
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