Evidence-based recruitment and selection...

Evidence-based recruitment and selection...

... helping managers excel

Evidence-based selection enables you to overcome deficiencies in selection experience.

Evidence-based selection requires you to have a clear job description. Not the normal list of duties, but a carefully crafted set of job responsibilities that integrate with other jobs in the firm. From that you can develop the specification of the person who will excel.

Evidence-based selection requires you to have developed job-specific assessments, tests and interview questions. The responses to these will provide evidence to support or refute each candidates’ case.

Evidence-based personnel selection is the only valid way to select your future staff. Evidence-based personnel selection is cost-effecive and ensures high-quality hiring decisions.

We'll guide you through the process and help you excel. Call us now.

Here's what some of our clients said about us

By the end of the second interview, we felt that we knew the candidates well. We had all the personality, competency and behavioural evidence we needed to make a robust decision. It was a very successful, very streamlined process from start to finish.

Jan Edwards, Operations Director, The Marketing Eye Ltd