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Performance appraisals: essential whatever you call them

Blog Post

Written by John Berry on 20th November 2017.0

5 min read

Performance appraisals have come in for some serious criticism recently. And yet the books and articles written which criticise simply advocate performance appraisal by another name – or rather a collection of names. Here's an analysis of the issues.

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360 degree feedback

Winning employee commitment by granting idiosyncratic employment deals

White Paper

Written by John Berry on 21st October 2017. Revised 30th October 2017.

32 min read

Commitment matters. If managers can get all staff to be committed, other management and leadership activities become possible. Without committed staff, there’s little the manager can do to achieve goals and the firm will just drift. This paper describes commitment and outlines research that shows what managers can do to achieve commitment. The research shows that there is correlation between the idiosyncratic granting of developmental opportunities and affective commitment in those benefitting.

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Commitment handshake

Determining Personality Using Mr Men

Blog Post

Written by John Berry on 1st May 2017. Revised 27th July 2017.

5 min read

Timpson’s interviewers seek to determine which Mr Men character the candidate most closely resembles. Using personality as a criterion is valid but the Timpson method is likely far from accurate. Here's why.

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Mr Happy
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Employee Engagement is Good For Business

Blog Post

Written by John Berry on 5th May 2017. Revised 23rd July 2017.

7 min read

Employee engagement occurs when an employee feels proud, is involved and feel empowered to make decisions. Employee Engagement is Good For Business. This blog first defines employee engagement. It then investigates how a manager sets about creating an engaged workforce.

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Group of employees

On competence

Blog Post

Written by Sue Berry on 5th May 2017. Revised 23rd July 2017.

5 min read

This blog takes five HRM tools and links them through one key idea – competence. Competence theory is a way of looking at how management can measure staff contribution to the business. And once measured, management can use the five tools to optimise engagement.

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Band Marching

Bad cyber security assumption threatens firms

Blog Post

Written by John Berry on 5th May 2017. Revised 23rd July 2017.

7 min read

A cyber-security practitioner ended a presentation by giving five very practical recommendations. All were technical. They covered authentication, pass-phrases and other features that assumed that the threat was from outside the system. This assumption is dominating current information technology thinking. This bad cyber security assumption threatens firms. Here's why.

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Hacker at work Cyper Security