Browse the tool suites, see how they make your recruitment outcomes more certain, then buy credits to use

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Recruitment & Development Tools

Our tools are designed to help you to make quality hiring/onboarding decisions.

They save you money by removing risk and the chance you'll need to dismiss and re-hire.

They are also effective in helping you develop your people.

The following shows our tools and how to buy. To browse the tools themselves, go to our list of tools.

Tool SuiteDescription
Onboarding SuiteBuild job descriptions for your jobs for use in recruitment and selection, induction, performance assessment and personnel development.
Generate a report showing the personal characteristics of the ideal candidate for your job.
Have job applicants complete pre-selection light psychometric assessments and compare their characteristics with your ideal.
Have job applicants complete full psychometric assessments and compare their characteristics with your ideal.
Personnel Development SuiteAnalyse your firm's capability needs, and then develop personal development plans for each employee or volunteer.

Using the tools

Call us for a quote. On confirmation of your order, we'll give you the necessary codes to use the tools.

To learn how TimelessTime's tool suites can make selecting and developing employees and volunteers more convenient, browse the various marketing documents and tool output examples and then order your credits to get started.

Head over to the tool index to learn more about each tool.

Purchasing tool use

Tools are very cost effective, priced at between £35 and £400.

Simply email with tyour requirements. You’ll receive an invoice. On payment, you’ll get an access code. There is no time limit on using the tools one purchased.

You'll be sent a complementary copy of our book Because Your People Matter: a playbook for managers, entrepreneurs and leaders worth £28 with your first order over £500.

Receiving your document or report

Reports and documents are generated automatically by our servers. Each is then checked by our consultants to ensure that it is fit for your purpose.

For example, we will check for compliance with UK employment law, and we will advise on any contradictions that you may have inadvertently included. We'll supply a document that is bespoke and meets your needs.

We will deliver reports and documents to you within four working days.

The small print

Please read our standard terms and conditions of sale before buying credits. These govern the relationship between TimelessTime and its clients.

And to action...

Go now to our list of tools. Note that some of our tools are FREE to use.

Here's what some of our clients said about us

The project where we analysed the personalities of our consultants and developed an ideal consultant profile has given us exactly what we need to shape our future recruitment.

Ian Robinson, Business Support and HR Manager, Assurity Consulting

By the end of the second interview, we felt that we knew the candidates well. We had all the personality, competency and behavioural evidence we needed to make a robust decision. It was a very successful, very streamlined process from start to finish.

Jan Edwards, Operations Director, The Marketing Eye Ltd