Contact TimelessTime

TimelessTime works across the United Kingdom and abroad for UK organisations. We work too for foreign firms starting and running subsidiaries or branch offices in the UK. We’re happy to extend our working day to accommodate clients in other time zones.

We work provide online HR and OD support to managers. We develop and supply management tools that develop key documents and information. And we write books. We are happy to act as consultants for our support clients, taking on specific and more wide-ranging HR and OD projects.

All initial discussions are free of charge. TimelessTime consultants work directly with managers. TimelessTime consultants aim to transfer knowledge at every stage.

Simply call or use our contact form and we will be happy to discuss how TimlessTime can help you.

TimelessTime Ltd




Scottish Borders


TimelessTime Ltd

Kingfisher House

Hurstwood Grange

Hurstwood Lane

Haywards Heath

West Sussex

RH17 7QX

In the book, regular reflections ask you to consider your own firm and how you might apply that theory. I found those reflections to be thought-provoking and, in many cases, revealing. I will definitely be a better manager having read this book. Highly recommended.